Hi, I'm Stephanie

A passionate Full Stack Developer with 9+ years of experience with designing, building, and deploying web applications utilizing various technologies and programming languages. I am constantly striving to learn more and hone my craft. This has led to experience across a great number of technologies. I have a background in various industries including law, real estate, marketing, and information technology as well as being a graphic designer. This enables me to bring a unique perspective and high level of organization to any project I work on.


Screen shot of the AI Cat Chat Application

AI Cat Chat

Node.js, Express, React, LangChain, OpenAI

The AI Cat Chat app uses the OpenAI API to generate responses to user input. Using a Vector Store to help supplement the prompts to OpenAI, this app allows you to ask a question and receive a resonse from the perspective of one of eight cats.

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React Native, Python, Django, PostgreSQL

Zest was created as part of the first Dallas Software Developer Group Cohort of 2024. This mobile app is a grocery management tool with a built-in ingredient tracker, recipe integration, and macro calculator.

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MEN Stack Application (MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js)

I spent 7½ years at Pointwise and during that time completely updated their web presence. Not only did I re-design the website, I updated the backend to move away from SSI to a more modern approach.

Stocks Application

MEN Stack Application (MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js)

Created in May 2020 as part of my Capstone project at Southern New Hampshire University. For this application I created a MongoDB database that was then fed in to a REST API.

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See the Pen Retro Sun by Stephanie Thompson (@Stephycamaro) on CodePen.

CSS Retro Sun

SVG CSS Drawing

Want to use the sun you see at the top of the page in your own project? I initially drew it entirely using CSS. Feel free to fork the code and make it your own!

See the Pen

Email Scripting with PHP


In 2019, I lead a mini-workshop on how to build a PHP script to send e-mails. This workshop was presented by Women Who Code Dallas/Ft. Worth. In this course, we learn about the IT background of how sending and receiving email works, then get into creating a basic script to take the inputs from a form and send them to a gmail account. The code is hosted on repl.it to have an easy-to-use,binteractive space.

Repl.it Starter Repl.it Final

Cozzette's Website

Cozzette Hairstylist

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, GitHub Actions, Netlify

I started doing freelance work for Cozzette in 2012 creating the graphics and signage for BB63 Salon. Since that time I have also become her webmaster for cozzettehairstylist.com. This is a static site that uses GitHub Actions to automatically deploy to the host, Netlify.

BB63 Salon Website

BB63 Salon

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, GitHub Actions, Netlify

Part of the work I have done for Cozzette includes creating and maintaining the website for her business, BB63 Salon. The salon itself acts as the hub for several different people in the beauty industry. This is a static site that uses GitHub Actions to automatically deploy to the host, Netlify.

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